PetCo dog training is quite similar to PetSmart’s dog training classes. See my PetSmart dog training review here.
It will likely be an enjoyable time for both you and your dog. You will get to meet other dog owners. And it will be a good bonding time with your dog.
The brochure indicates that their first level class will cover the “sit” command, loose leash training and the “come” command. They also say the training will offer “ideas” for potty training, chewing, etc.
If you’re lucky enough to get a good trainer you can probably expect to come away with a solid “sit” command mastered by your dog. The “ideas” will likely be pretty much useless, more of something to add weight to the promise in the sales brochure.
Based on others experiences, the loose leash walking and the “come” command will most probably be spotty at best. Much depends on the trainer you get as well as the slowest learning dog in the class.
Here is what one person had to say about PetCo dog training classes:
It seems like PetSmart has slightly better training classes ( From what I have sat in on) but I have not been exceptionally impressed with them, either. Both companies expect their trainers to sell products – maybe it is just me, but it seems to add a certain level of ‘used car salesman’ into something that should be focused on the handler and the dog. Read More Here
The following is a quote from one of PetCo’s dog trainers detail the training he received:
“As an apprentice close to finishing the training…it involved 8 full days with a mentor learning, observing, and helping with classes. Read More Here
Eight days to become an expert dog trainer? At all their levels of training? Really?
Other dog trainer associates have reported that they spend 90% of their time restocking shelves and running the cash register, leaving only 10% of their time actually training dogs. So they are really only part-time trainers even though they might be full-time employees.
If you decide to go with PetCo, keep in mind that their dog trainer is the one and only employee in the store that gets a commission on sales. So they are going to try to upsell you on all kinds of things – new collar, leash, toys, treats, dog food, etc. That doesn’t necessarily make their recommendations bad, just know going in that they have ulterior motives for everything they want you to buy.
PetCo Dog Training Pros
- It can be fun for both you and your dog.
- Your dog will probably come away with at least the “sit” and “down” commands learned.
PetCo Dog Training Cons
- Expensive.
- Not nearly as effective as they would like you to believe.
Conclusion on PetCo Obedience Classes
If you want to have a fun time socializing with your dog, PetCo training could work for you. Or maybe you could just go to the dog park.
If you just want to learn the “sit” and “down” commands, save your money and watch a YouTube video.
If your goal is to train your dog to be well mannered and obey, you can do a lot better for less money.
Skip PetCo and try something that will train your dog while strengthening your relationship. I recommend that you try this FREE Online Video Training and see if you don’t get better results and get them faster. With this online course you and your dog will learn a lot more than you will at PetCo. Seriously, you really should at least check it out – it’s free.
Read our Sit Means Sit review.
Read our PetSmart Review.